Hod Hasharon complex 1202 – approved by the district committee!
The Mount 1202 complex is located northeast of Hod Hasharon where it is planned that this complex will create a kind of modern urban sequence together with residential complexes located nearby, the high-quality and prestigious complex 200 and the 1201 complex which is under construction.
Residents of the neighborhood will benefit from proximity to infrastructure, trains and major transportation routes – 531 and Route 5.
The purpose of the plan is the establishment of a large residential neighborhood that will include over 4,000 housing units, including an employment complex, public institutions, commercial buildings, sports and recreation complexes, knowledge-rich industry, various public areas, and more.
This plan is the most advanced in the city of Hod Hasharon, the land changed its designation in 2015 and is intended for construction. The land is in the process of preparing a detailed plan. The Hod Hasharon municipality is also promoting the Mount 1202 plan which is located in the 1202 complex. This project was born at the initiative of the municipality and it is the one that promoted the project so that it will be implemented according to the plans.
The land designated for the Mount 1202 project is located in a particularly prestigious area, one of the most sought after in Israel. The land is a private tabu.
Climax Real Estate Investments purchased the land reserve intended for residential and commercial use.
Hod Hasharon is a rural city that combines rapid development and an accelerated pace of construction, as befits a developing city, but on the other hand, Hod Hasharon preserves the values of nature and the landscape, a fact that gives the place its rural atmosphere.
Due to the high demand, the land inventory is limited! Hurry up to get in touch
Estimated value for an apartment of about 120 square meters about 2,500,000 NIS
The land is not available for construction